Parkinson's Disease And Physiotherapy

Posted on: 13 July 2023

If you have Parkinson's disease, you'll be aware that common symptoms associated with the condition include mobility problems, muscle tremors and muscle stiffness. It's common to experience falls as the condition progresses, and muscle pain and stiffness can impact your posture. Many people with Parkinson's disease also struggle to maintain their independence. Symptoms related to Parkinson's disease can be split into phases of the disease's progression, and a physiotherapist can work with you during each phase to help you manage your symptoms and retain as much independence as possible.

Physiotherapy For Early Phase Parkinson's

When you are in the early stage of Parkinson's disease, the goal of working with a physiotherapist will be to keep your joints supple and build muscle strength. Physical limitations aren't very common during this stage of Parkinson's, so the work you do with your physiotherapist will focus on having you in the best condition possible to hopefully limit or reduce the mobility problems that often come later down the line in those with Parkinson's. You'll learn how to do exercises that are designed to strengthen your muscles, and your physiotherapist will work with you to develop an exercise program that can improve dopamine uptake. Dopamine tends to be low in those with Parkinson's disease, but production can be stimulated through exercise, and doing this may slow the progression of the disease in some people.

Physiotherapy For Mid Phase Parkinson's

When you are in the mid phase of disease progression it's not uncommon to experience problems with your balance and to lose some muscle strength and mass. This can negatively impact your self-confidence and impact your ability to get around safely on your own. Doing basic daily tasks, such as getting out of bed, going for a walk and cooking a meal, may become challenging, and you may be worried about having a fall. Physiotherapy for those in this stage of Parkinson's will focus on postural rehabilitation, exercises that can improve balance and learning new ways to move, such as changing how you get out of bed or out of a chair. Your podiatrist can also show you some mobility aids that can help you carry out your daily tasks, such as a walking frame or bath board.

Physiotherapy For Late Phase Parkinson's

Those in the late phase of Parkinson's disease are likely to be bedbound and may require a wheelchair to get around. Physiotherapy during this stage of the disease will focus on learning how to do breathing exercises that are designed to strengthen your lungs and prevent the development of respiratory problems that occur in those who are bedbound. Your physiotherapist can also teach you massage techniques to encourage good circulation.

If you have Parkinson's disease and would like to work with a physiotherapist, schedule an initial assessment to discuss your specific needs. Contact a local clinic to learn more, like Physiophix Toukley.
