Worried About Your Child's Disability? How Occupational Health And Rehabilitation Services Can Help

Posted on: 8 March 2022

If your child has been diagnosed with a disability, such as cerebral palsy, and you want to make sure they're prepared for success, occupational therapy can help. This is especially true if your child is getting ready to head to school. You might not realise this, but occupational therapy can provide benefits for just about every aspect of your child's life. One of the benefits of occupational therapy is that your child will have access to one-on-one rehabilitation services, designed to suit their specific needs. If you're not sure how occupational therapy will benefit your child, read the list provided below. You'll find four important reasons to request occupational health and rehabilitation services right away. 

Improve Fine Motor Skills

If your child's disability has affected their fine motor skills, occupational therapy can give them the help they need. Lack of fine motor skills can affect your child's ability to address their own self-care. This includes needs such as dressing themselves, brushing their own teeth, or even using writing tools for school. An occupational therapist will help your child develop those fine motor skills. 

Improve Self-Regulation

If your child struggles to regulate their own behaviour, it's time to get them involved in occupational health and rehabilitation services. The inability to self-regulate problem behaviours can make it difficult for your child to succeed in school, as well as in their personal life. That's where occupational health and rehabilitation services come into the picture. Occupational health and rehabilitation services will help your child develop the tools they need to regulate their own behaviour. 

Improve Coordination

If your child has been diagnosed with a medical condition that affects their coordination, talk to their healthcare provider about adding occupational health and rehabilitation services to their treatment plan. Issues with coordination can interfere with their daily activities and put them at an increased risk for accidents and injuries. One of the benefits of occupational health and rehabilitation services is that they can help your child develop their coordination. 

Improve Confidence

If your child is dealing with a permanent medical condition, and you're worried about how that condition will affect their life, it's time to get them started with occupational health and rehabilitation services. Disabilities can undermine self-confidence and self-esteem. That's why occupational health services are so important. The services your child receives will help them improve their self-confidence, as well as their self-esteem. Occupational health and rehabilitation services can also help your child develop the skills they need for positive social interaction. 
