3 Benefits of Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy

Posted on: 27 September 2021

If you have problems with your pelvic floor, then you can do exercises at home. However, these exercises don't work for every pelvic floor problem. Sometimes, you'll improve your prognosis if you see a physiotherapist. Why should you do this?

1. Get a Targeted Exercise Plan

Not all pelvic floor problems are the same. Unfortunately, if you just do general exercises, you might not see much improvement. If the exercises don't fit your problem, then they can't make it any better.

For example, many people benefit from Kegel exercises which aim to strengthen weak pelvic floor muscles. However, these exercises won't help if you have the opposite problem. Some people have muscles that are too tight. Here, you should use exercises that relax the muscles rather than strengthen them.

A physiotherapist will examine you and work out what kind of problem you have. They can then construct a targeted plan. With their help, you'll get help in appointments and instructions on how to do your exercises at home. If you work on the problem you have, then you have a better chance of making things more manageable.

2. Get Additional Therapies 

Sometimes, physical exercises aren't enough to solve pelvic floor problems. If you use a targeted physio plan, then you should see some improvement; however, you might need extra help to boost or speed up your results.

This isn't something you can always do for yourself. Fortunately, a physio can provide other remedies. For example, they can use electrical stimulation on your problem muscle areas. This is especially useful if you can't tighten your muscles effectively yourself, perhaps if you have some nerve damage in the area. Physios can also use internal balls and dilators during a course of treatment to relax and train muscle areas.

3. Get Lifestyle Advice

You can improve a troublesome pelvic floor problem by making some lifestyle changes. The more you understand about the issue, the easier it becomes to manage.

A physiotherapist can help you identify triggers that make your problem worse. They can help you learn how to manage your bladder and bowels more effectively. So, for example, you might learn how to empty your bladder and bowels as fully as possible to reduce your anxiety over leakage.

If your GP has recommended a course of pelvic floor physiotherapy, contact your family health centre to make an appointment. The sooner you get started, the better you'll feel. To learn more, contact a facility that offers pelvic floor physiotherapy.
