Convincing Reasons to Hire an In-House Caregiver for Disabled Loved Ones

Posted on: 26 June 2018

If your loved one has a crippling disability, whether mental or physical, you may be considering alternative care options to ensure someone is monitoring them. Depending on the severity of this disability, this care could be in the form of enrolling them into an institution that specialises in disability care. However, what you should note about institutionalised care is that it can be quite impersonal and will only provide the basics for your loved one. Individuals who instead would rather have their loved one close by while still not being belaboured with providing them with round the clock attention should contemplate the benefits of an in-house caregiver.

The following article highlights convincing reasons to hire an in-house caregiver for your disabled loved one.

An in-house caregiver provides a custom-tailored care plan

The first advantage of having a specific individual in charge of disability care for your loved one is the personalised attention that they will receive. While institutionalised care allows for an eclectic mix of both physical and mental disabilities, this approach can actually be a downside as the staff will not be able to create individual care plans for each patient.

With an in-house caregiver, you get the flexibility to have your loved one's personal condition assessed so that the carer can determine how best to tailor their care plan for them. For instance, people with mental disabilities may require an emphasis on the social and behavioural aspects of their life. On the other hand, individuals afflicted with physical disabilities may need one-on-one physical therapy such as daily walks or even simple exercises to stimulate their motor skills.

An in-house caregiver ensures the patient remains in a supportive environment

The second advantage of hiring an at-home caregiver is that you do not have to disengage your loved one from familiar surroundings. One notable fact about institutionalised care is that some patients do not bode well for their new environment, particularly if they already suffer from mental disabilities. The more challenging they find it to integrate into their new surroundings, the harder it will be for them to cooperate with their new care plans.

Rather than have your loved one confined to a nursing home, it could be better to have the care come to them. Thus, if the individual feels lonely, there is always a familiar face nearby. Not to mention that having an in-house caregiver also ensures that the patient receives the full attention of their nurse, which works to build a better sense of interaction between the two. 
