How Laser Prostate Surgery Relieves the Symptoms of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

Posted on: 14 May 2018

Over the course of every man's life, their prostate goes through two phases of growth. The first allows the prostate to remain small, which means it's in a state where it doesn't disrupt the urinary flow. The second begins after the age of 25, where the prostate gradually grows larger.

For a lot of men, a larger prostate will cause discomfort. The growth of the prostate, also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia, can make it difficult to urinate, and it may also lead to an increase in UTIs. Fortunately, laser prostate surgery is an option for those with BPH who want to alleviate their symptoms.

What is laser prostate surgery?

Laser prostate surgery involves inserting a small tube featuring a laser tip through the urethra. Usually, a urologist or another medical specialist trained in the technique carries out the procedure. Once the laser reaches the area of the prostate that's posing the most problems, the person operating it will deliver high-intensity heat waves to specific areas. Once the wavelengths reach their target cells, they'll encourage them to shrink. As a result, the prostate becomes smaller.

How does laser prostate surgery alleviate symptoms?

When BPH reaches the stage where it compresses the urethra, men may encounter issues such as:

  • Difficulty passing urine
  • An increase in the amount of time it takes to urinate
  • Being unable to urinate entirely, which can cause severe bladder side effects
  • Having to get up in the night more often to urinate

While some of the above symptoms may cause mild discomfort, others result in dangerous situations. Over the few days that follow the procedure, the body will begin to absorb the prostate cells that the laser broke down. As the prostate shrinks, it doesn't compress the urethra as much, allowing for smoother urinary flow. 

What are the key benefits of slowing down BPH?

BPH doesn't just make life uncomfortable. Alongside increasing the risk of developing a UTI, it allows urine to pool in the kidneys and bladder, which may then lead to kidney stones. In some cases, men find it difficult to ejaculate, or they develop urinary incontinence. While it's possible to slow down BPH using traditional surgery, opting for a laser means a shorter hospital stay. It also means fewer complications, faster results, and a reduced need for a catheter. 

Providing you're a suitable candidate for laser prostate surgery, you could see astounding benefits. With a smaller prostate, it's possible to make life a little comfier.
