How to Make Your Dentures Last Longer

Posted on: 21 August 2017

When you experience missing teeth, you may find that dentures give you a new lease of life. In addition to improving your aesthetic appearance, they make it easier to chew and talk, allowing you to experience normality in the absence of your homegrown adult teeth. While you'll likely need your dentures replacing after a few years, there are a few ways you can make them last longer.

Brush and clean them on a daily basis

Just like your natural teeth, dentures need daily care to stay intact. Unlike your natural teeth, you shouldn't use toothpaste, as this is abrasive to dentures and causes more harm than good. Instead, use a special denture brush and a mild denture cleaning agent to remove particles of food. You may also want to use an ultrasonic cleaner, but don't forget to brush the teeth you still have and engage in manual cleaning from time to time.

Protect your dentures when they're not in your mouth

Most denture repairs revolve around cracks and chips, so when they're not in your mouth make sure you're storing them somewhere safe. It's essential that you keep them moist, so suspend them in a denture solution or water when they're not in use. Suspending them in water prevents them from warping, which in turn leads to fewer refittings as time goes on. In addition, ensure the container for your denture remains clean too, as this reduces the risk of bacteria building on them when they're not in your mouth. 

Consult your dentist if you notice any problems

If your dentures start to feel uncomfortable, cause abrasions, or lead to an increase in ulcers, you may find they're no longer the right fit for your mouth. When this happens, approach your dentist to request a refit. Even if you're not experiencing any problems, maintain your six-month dentist appointments. Your dentist will often identify any poor fitting issues before you begin to notice symptoms and seeing them regularly reduces the risk of plaque and tooth decay in your remaining teeth. If you do notice they're not fitting as they used to, do not adjust them yourself, as this may cause damage and may permanently alter their shape, leading to the need for a new set. 

In addition to caring for your dentures, you should regularly brush and clean the teeth you still have. Doing so lessens the need for further replacements, allowing you to enjoy good oral health. 
