• Physiotherapy exercises and their benefits

    Today's competitive sports require a high degree of physical exertion which will occasionally result in soft tissue injuries. Muscle distension, sprained tendons and contusions will greatly hamper an athlete and curtail his performance. Sports physio is a health field which utilizes physical exercises among other techniques to prevent and repair such injuries. Below are some of the approaches utilized in the sports physio. Massage In this technique, the affected part is subjected to rhythmic circular or linear pressure using hands or specialised accessories. [Read More]

  • 4 Myths About the Safety of Compounded Medication

    Compounding medication is the science of preparing personalised drug combinations for patients in controlled environments. It is carried out by licensed pharmacists to offer the best treatment to patients with particular sensitivities who need more customised medication. Before pharmacies became widespread, all pharmacists were taught drug compounding, and almost all prescriptions were essentially compounded. Today, since there are so many mass produced drugs with different strengths, compounding has become less common. [Read More]